Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Water Well Installation Process

Water wells provide access to a clean and constant water supply. If you own a farm or a large state, sinking a water well can be a great idea. The following are some of the processes involved in sinking water wells.

Request estimates from contractors
There may be a couple of contractors around your area that offer the same services. You can require an estimate from the contractors and compare to find the most affordable services. You should compare quotes from at least three contractors. Ensure that the quotes include all the materials and services provided so you know exactly what you are paying for. Remember, a good contractor always carries insurance and a great water well contractor has a pollution liability cover.

The well permit application
Once you have found a contractor, they need to apply for a well permit application. In order to apply for the permit, they need a copy of the plot plan. The  permits regulate well drilling activity due to safety and environmental impact among others. It is illegal to drill a well without a permit even if it is within your property. Once the permit application is approved and permits are issued, drilling can begin.

Well drilling
The drilling contractor usually has all the equipment necessary for drilling. Avoid contractors who have to subcontract equipment as this could inflate the cost of the service. Drilling involves creating a ten-inch diameter hole and drilling at least sixty feet below the ground surface. To prevent the hole from collapsing, and contamination from surface water, a cement slurry is filled into the space between the casting and the borehole. If the contractor has installed wells in the area before, they know what to expect in terms of depth, bedrock and any other challenges that they may encounter in the process.

Installing the pump
Once the well is complete, the contractor will discuss the well characteristics with you. The characteristics of the well such as depth and yield also determine the kind of pump size you need to use for the well. Once you get the right pump size, the pump crew will come to install the pump on the well.

During the pump installation, the crew has to ensure that the pump connects to the water and electricity lines to the house or houses that will rely on the well. You may need an extra excavation trench for the water and electricity line.

Setting up the connection
You need to get a licensed plumber and electrician to set up the connection of the water from the well to the house. The plumber will ensure the discharge of the water tank enters the trunk line of the house while the electrician ensures the pump is running on electricity properly. Even though your contractor can handle all these services, regulation requires that respective professionals complete this part of the job.

A water laboratory has to test water samples from the well to ensure that the water is safe for consumption. Once the analysis report is complete, you can get an occupancy permit and start using the well. 

Posted By: KCW Waterwell Service